DAF cable lift trucks are highly regarded for their sophisticated transport solutions in a range of heavy industries. Particularly suited to waste management, construction, distribution and long-haul operations, DAF cable hoist trucks offer reliability and value for money and are a dependable member of any fleet.
MHF (UK) Ltd supplies used DAF cable lift trucks to waste management companies across the UK.
A key feature of cable lift trucks is that they offer the ability to manoeuvre containers of almost any length (as long as they do not extend beyond the end of the truck’s rails). This makes them a really versatile vehicle, suited to many different waste management situations.
Offering a practical alternative to hook loader systems, DAF cable lift trucks are particularly suited to pulling heavier loads smoothly onto a trailer by adjusting the incline of the load. This not only reduces stress on the cable during operations but also means that the load can be managed in confined spaces, especially where loading heights are restricted.
Bill Skinner, Managing Director