What are LOLER inspections?

Due to the nature of the work carried out by lifting equipment it is essential that it undergoes frequent LOLER inspections to ensure that it is fit for purpose.

The Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment regulations 1998 (LOLER) exist to ensure that all lifting operations are properly planned by a competent person, are appropriately supervised, and are carried out in a safe manner. MHF (UK) Ltd offers LOLER inspections for £250 plus VAT.

SAfety is paramount

Constant advances in technology mean that the complexity of lifting equipment is increasing. LOLER regulations apply to all lifting equipment and accessories, whether complex modern or more traditional in order to protect the health and safety of operators and of all persons working with the equipment.

All equipment used for the lifting and lowering of loads must undergo regular inspections to ensure that everything is in good working order.

At MHF (UK) Ltd we recommend that LOLER inspections are carried out twice yearly as a minimum as part of an examination schedule, however the frequency of inspections should be determined by the purpose of the equipment and the rate at which it is used. As a general rule, the greater the use, the more frequent the inspection should be.

Unless an examination schedule is in place, regular thorough LOLER inspections should carried out every 6 months for lifting equipment or accessories that are used to lift people, every 6 months for all lifting accessories and every 12 months for all other lifting equipment.


What does a LOLER inspection involve?

Essentially, LOLER requires that all lifting equipment is of adequate strength and stability to perform required tasks.

MHF’s LOLER inspections include a systematic and detailed visual examination of lifting equipment and safety-critical parts alongside functional checks. We examine all components which affect the safety of the lifting equipment and also check those components that are likely to deteriorate with age and use. Our examinations will also include traditional non-destructive testing (NDT) methods and load testing to ensure that your equipment is safe and fit for purpose.

Your safety is our priority – we follow industry standard procedures and criteria in our LOLER inspections. A detailed report will be produced which contains the examination date, the date when the next thorough examination is due and a list of any defects that have been found which are or could become a danger to people.

Thorough inspections should be carried out before equipment is used for the first time, after assembly and before use at each location, regularly, whilst in service and following exceptional circumstances.

For example, if equipment is out of use for long periods of time it should undergo a thorough LOLER inspection before it is brought back in to use. A thorough LOLER inspection should also be carried out after any damage to or failure of equipment or after any modifications or alterations to critical parts.

Thorough Examination - A & L Stronach